Zeyuan Feng

Philadelphia, PA
I am a PhD student in the Aero/Astro program at Stanford University, working with Prof. Somil Bansal at Safe and Intelligent Autonomy Lab. My research focuses on improving reachability analysis to robustly provide safety guarantees for high-dimensional systems in complex environments. I am particularly interested in the intersection of optimization, learning, and control in robotics. Before joining Stanford, I spent a wonderful 18 months at the Universiy of Southern California. I received my MSc degree in Electrical and Systems Engineering at the University of Pennsylvania, where I worked at KOD*LAB with Prof. Daniel E. Koditschek, my mentorJ. Diego Caporale and an inspiring group of lab mates. I completed my Bachelor's in Electronic and Information Engineering at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen, where I worked (and learned) at Robotics & Artificial Intelligence Laboratory under the supervision of Prof. Huihuan Qian.
In my spare time, I enjoy playing soccer, basketball, and running. I also used to do amateur boxing at James Shuler Boxing Gym.